Sunday 15 January 2012

in need

I'm procrastinating, yet again. I was writing notes for Sejarah and then i thought of getting a new bag. -.-
My birthday is on the 13th March, mark your calendar! i know its not "coming" soon but hey, time flies. 

I would highly appreciate if any of you could get me one of these bags. Or maybe, hi mummy or daddy. If you're reading this, please? 

My brother is getting me an Arsenal jersey, how nice of him. I still remember the first time he bought me a birthday present. I was 9 back then and he bought me a headband. -.- I was really shocked he offered me a jersey, that's a first!

Hi bestfriend! if you're reading this... i would like a....

also, i rarely wear a watch but it would help.

note to my parents;

One of you could get me one of those bags up there, and another one of you could get me a new phone &  new mac, perhaps?

i love you guys, back to Sejarah.