Wednesday 28 December 2011

Afraid to fall

Only loners would write this post and i am one of them. It has been roughly 1 year and 7 months i've been single. Being single is not as bad as you think, it's quite fun. Sometimes you get the freedom, you can talk to how many guys you want without being scared but also, you'll be called as slut. 

Being single is not fun when you are alone at night, on valentine's day and also on new years eve. Being the third wheel is never fun and sadly to say i am always the third wheeler whenever i go out with my best friend and her boyfriend.

Most of my friends are in a relationship, it's pretty sad. What's worse is that during the night where you have nobody to talk to and all you can do is blast yourself with emotional songs and drench myself with ludicrous thoughts.

4 more days to a new year and i'm ending my year single.. oh well. I will be updating about 2011 in another post on the 30th! x