Monday 26 December 2011


Hello there :)

As you can see i changed my background layout and i deleted all my posts as well. I guess i can never keep my promises, oh well. I'm gonna upload more videos this time because i'm a lazy prick. Enjoy all the videos that i'm gonna upload soon! 

8 more days til school starts and 6 more days til a whole new year. Genuinely, this year is one sucky year but i might not know what's gonna happen in a few days time. Its not the end yet but i'm hoping for the best, even though its still gonna be the same. I shall pray that 2012 is gonna be one hell of a year despite that i'm gonna be taking my major exam, PMR. I am still not certainly sure which school i'm gonna be in next year. I'm still under waiting list for KDU. I'm seriously hoping that i'll get in. Everyone has been asking that why should i move out from a great school? i just dislike my current school so much, no offence to that. I think there's no difference if you're in government school or a private school, it's all about you. If you work hard in a government school, you still can ace your major exam while if you're in private and you don't work on it you still wont ace it. I'm gonna promise that im gonna work really hard next year and make my myself proud and especially my parents.