Friday 30 December 2011

Fresh Start

2011 has loads of ups and downs. Lots of changes. I wouldn't want to say that it's one of the best year in my life but also it's not the worst. I have changed a lot this year and i met tons of amazing people. Between these 12 months people walk away from my life. I didn't have the best moment with my best friend this year, we fought for 3 months but i'm really glad that we made it through. I would like to say thank you to those who could stand my nuisance behaviour. I would post everything that happened this year but i'm afraid that i might miss any. I cherish every moment and i regret nothing. I'm really happy that i made it through the year.

I want 2012 to be year of massive improvement, i need to ace my PMR examination. Hoping that 2012 would be hell of a year :) x