Friday 9 March 2012

I have mentioned before that i have been diagnosed with mild scoliosis. Mine is not that bad but it's starting hurt so much and i think it got worse. I shall upload a picture of it!

The first picture is a picture of a normal spine. My spine is the one in the second picture. As you can see, the upper part is sorta crooked and the lower back bone is really curved to the left. 

It hurts really really bad! :(

Monday 5 March 2012

Exactly one more week til my birthday. People are asking me what do I want for my birthday. That's very nice of you guys but if you don't buy me anything would be fine as well. Let me just list out my so called "wish list" 

- Iphone 4/s white or Bold 4 white
- Balenciaga Giant City
- New macbook 
- More books
- Clothes
- Jeans

anything will do! i just want my birthday to be perfect. 

Its the exam week, 5 papers down and 6 more to go! so far all the papers are pretty good, not too difficult. Am not looking forward to Sejarah tomorrow! i just want to get this done and over with. Weekends, come at me bro. 

Thursday 1 March 2012

I hate myself for eating something i have not eaten for 2 weeks. I consumed 2 small cupcakes and half of my baby brother's birthday cake. You have no clue how pissed am I right now. Now I feel like all of my work out sessions had gone to waste. Why can't I control my eating habits? why is it so hard to be skinny? why is it so hard to be everything i'm not? Why is it so hard to feel perfect..

Saturday 25 February 2012

I officially hate the weekends, despite the 2 holidays of course. Well you see, i'm on diet and you can say that i am obsessed with becoming skinny. When i'm skinny, happiness will come. I tend to eat so much on the weekend, and i can't seem to focus on what i'm studying. There are approximately 226 more days to PMR, i need to study starting from now. My goal is to go in science stream, 8 A's and get accepted to MRSM, but of course i wont go. I was never into studying but i can't linger around anymore since i moved school and this school doesn't give much help. I am going to ask my mum to take away my phone & macbook during the weekdays. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

I had no internet connection yesterday to even inform you guys the result of my spine. If you are following me on twitter, you would likely aware that i have mild scoliosis. It's not so bad but its 25 degrees, i would love to upload a picture of it but its in my blackberry and i dont feel like uploading it. 

What's more is that, i just finished gym! i feel great as i consumed too many chocolates over the weekend! hehe. Oh yeah, i am so content owing to the fact that i'm going to join cheerleading again! been so long since i cheered, good times.. indeed. 

I have to wash up & hit the books!

oh... my bestfriend, Tamyra surprised me with this book. 

I've been longing for this book, had no time to buy it. I'm so excited to read it :)

Saturday 18 February 2012

I have been having back aches for 3 years now. My mum usually complains that i always slouch, i don't stand straight and blablabla. For 2 years, i thought that was something normal. Thought it was just a habit. My friend was diagnosed with scoliosis, she told me to go for an xray just incase. I really doubt that i have scoliosis but i'm not sure if i do either. I'm going for an xray this Monday.